Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Absence

My work is getting done, but I am a little behind. Not hugely, but blog posts seem like an after thought, so there hasn't been reason to post progress when not as much progress as I like is being made.

Yet, it's been more than a month, so an update seems important. Cookie is rigged, weight painted, and partially animated.

Only a small bit so far, but I'm working on it. He'll wake up soon and scitter and scurry around like any rat like creature should.

There's plenty of traditional art to show too - from 260 and from life drawing, but I'l have to photograph it.

Possibly the only decent part of this post is to show the music I'll be able to use for my reel, thanks to my friend Whitaker Fineberg and his band, Bad Television. You can listen to it here -

It was an odd moment where I realized there was a playing of "Merry had a Little Lamb" at the end of the track, which I'll have to cut out for the reel. You know though - if you knew Whit, you really wouldn't be surprised.

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